Tuesday, September 28, 2010

life is good

Realization of the day: life is good, no matter what happens life is always good.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Who I Am Today

Here is a very bad first draft of my introductory speech that explains my major change this week. That said, please forgive the incorrect grammer, bad structure, and awkwardness.

Who I Am Today
When I woke up yesterday morning, I was not who I am today. I am Lea Avrit, and I live in Greenbrier, Tennessee. I am at Austin Peay State University, because I want to make a difference to someone, somewhere but preferably in the Robertson County school system. I do not mean to be picky about the somewhere; it is just where I want to teach. I woke up yesterday with every part of me wanting to become a math teacher at Greenbrier High School. Since then, I have found what I truly want to do in life and that is to teach middle school math, and yes, preferably at Greenbrier Middle School.
Passion is must have in everything that anyone ever does, and that is why I changed the course my life was on yesterday at 1:40 p.m. I felt no passion for teaching upper level, high school math anymore, because I realized I would not be helping the people I set out to help in my decision to become a math teacher. I want to help those who, like me, were not good at math, but strived to be the best at it as possible. I would not be helping those students if I taught an upper level Calculus class, because the students that truly needed help on that level would not be in my class. That is why I changed my mission in college yesterday.
I promise this tangent has a point. All of this was inspired by one of my hobbies, and it is to tutor struggling math students at Greenbrier High School every other day during the school year, depending on what my school schedule allows. I love helping them understand the impossible and watching them go from completely lost in one second and then euphorically answering any question posed to them on that topic the next. I cannot ever get used to how that makes me feel to see that happen, and I do not want to. I enjoy every moment when I feel like a proud soccer mom whose kid just scored the first goal of the entire season, and set the pace for the rest of the games. That feeling is enough to see me through all my years of schooling to become that one middle school math teacher set on making a difference.

The only other real hobby I have is reading. My ultimate escape is reading one of my favorite books while sitting at my fiancĂ©’s couch, with the television as quiet as it will go without it being too quite, sipping coffee and eating a piece of dense, refrigerator cold chocolate sheet cake. When I read, I am introduced to another world that anything can happen, and no one can ever take that escape from me. Well, no one used to be able to until college proved it could. To better clarify, I should say I took it away from myself since homework gets put before it usually and after homework is done I no longer have time to read anymore. As I become a more experienced student, I am starting to be able to work reading into my schedule responsibly without having to cut homework the short end of the stick. I am determined to master the balance of reading and doing school work responsibly one day, even if I am old and gray, it will be done.
My determination will see me through everything I set out to accomplish. I will become a middle school math teacher. I will become a middle school math teacher who cares about my students, and will make a difference in at least one life. If I teach for thirty years and only have that impact on one student the whole entire time, everything I have ever done to get to that point will be worth it. Every time I sat in classes I have hated with a passion almost as big as my passion for teaching will be worth it, because I have managed to make a difference in the world we live in by impacting one student for the better. My name is Lea Avrit, and I am going to make a difference to someone, somewhere. When I do, it will be amazing.