Saturday, July 17, 2010

ummm... it's almost August?!!

June went by fast enough, and now July too?! Seriously, this is getting old! So, I picked up my phone last night to text my best friend, and I realized I haven't seen her since June, and have only talked to her maybe twice since then. This week was looking really great to hang out with her until I remembered church camp is this Sunday through Friday and my vacation to Georgia was the next week!

Alot has changed this year and evidently it is going to keep on changing whether or not I want it to! One of my friends from high school is getting married tonight and that still has yet to really sink in since a not so long ago time she was going to wait, but I'm glad she is happy. The army pushed that one up for her.

Another one of my best friends got married on May 21 to her Airforce man. She is soo in love with him, but I would love it if the military stuck with their original plan to keep them here til December instead of August! (Hint, hint, wink, wink Mr. President!)

I am so grateful that one thing has changed, and that is one of my other friends gets her husband back and their son gets his daddy back from oversees as soon as they get everything worked out to get him from point A in the states to point B, which is home!

Another fantastic change is also an extremely stressful change! Getting grant money to a local high school is tricky! Very tricky! Luckily the ones who are providing the grant money are very flexible and try really hard to give away the money to those who need it! That is what is in store for my day on Tuesday.... Connecting a company and high school in order to get calculators for the math department. Wish me luck!

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