Saturday, March 2, 2013

Snow! A little too late....

If anyone has ever been in a room full of students, no matter what the age, they also know the importance of snow days and this picture.

Photo Retrieved from:

As a student teacher, I consider my day a success as long as they learn at least something, and the kiddos aren't hanging from the rafters. I know as my teacher career continues my ideas for a successful day will change to be a little more rigorous. Anyways, I could have used a snow day to catch up on work, but that would have prevented me from seeing the smiles on all the kids faces when they noticed the snow falling the first time during school the past two days.

The smiles and happiness I saw helped me to remember what it was like to be so excited because a few flakes were falling! It didn't matter that it melted before anything could stick, because they were just so darn excited! Yet another reason why I want to teach, the kiddos can help you remember to just be happy for the smallest reasons no matter how fleeting those reasons may be at the time.

Comment and tell me your snow day stories!

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